Koen Verhaeghe. Modified for Wordpress MU by Elad Salomons. Version: 0.2.1 Author: Koen Verhaeghe modified by Elad Salomons Author URI: http://ringofblogs.com Plugin changed. * removed SS_HEIGHT en SS_WIDHT in the param name section * added str_replace to get rid of quotes Version: 0.1 Author: Peter Weiland Author URI: http://www.mikrosklave.net Plugin based on J?Zaefferers YouTube-Plugin, see http://bassistance.de/index.php/2006/04/09/wordpress-youtube-plugin/ Installation: copy slideshare_mu.php to the wp-content/mu-plugins directory of your Wordpress MU installation. Slideshows and PowerPoint presentations from Slideshare.net can be embedded into your blog posts and pages via a Slideshare shortcode. Shortcodes can be found by going to any slideshow on the Slideshare site and copying the embed code marked: "Embed in wordpress.com" If you decide to use the program, the following applies: This software is offered for use as is, and no warranty is stated or implied. The author is not responsible for any loss of data, damage to hardware nor any resulting loss of time or revenue resulting from the use of this program. Like all software, this program is utilised entirely at the user's risk. */ define("SS_WIDTH", 425); define("SS_HEIGHT", 348); define("SS_REGEXP", "/\[slideshare ([[:print:]]+)\]/"); define("SS_TARGET", ""); function ss_plugin_callback_mu($match) { $match[1] = str_replace("&w=425", "", $match[1]); $output = SS_TARGET; $output = str_replace("###ss_mu###", $match[1], $output); // $output = str_replace("###doc###", $match[2], $output); $output = str_replace('"','',$output); $output = $output . "
By rob"; return ($output); } function ss_plugin_mu($content) { return (preg_replace_callback(SS_REGEXP, 'ss_plugin_callback_mu', $content)); } add_filter('the_content', 'ss_plugin_mu'); add_filter('comment_text', 'ss_plugin_mu'); ?>