Just got a free spam post as a comment

I just got a spam comment for my AdSense revenue sharing plugin for WordPress-MU post. Since it is long enough to be a post be itself I will post it without giving the spammer any credit. There were some typos that I corrected.

This is a great blog with some great tips. Here are some no cost ways of promotion that can be effective when implemented:

  1. Print some simple ads from your computer, get them photocopied for as cheap as possible, then post them in bus shelters.
  2. Use those same ads from above and go door-2-door with them, or alternatively you can get some locals to do it for you for a small price.
  3. Write a really informative and tip filled article and submit it to as many article hubs as possible. This way it increases the chance of ezine publishers to pick up your article and get even more exposure.
  4. Post to free classified ad sites.  There are many, but the key here is consistency. If you can consistently post to free classified ad sites your ad will be seen.
  5. Safelists is another route to go. Many people do say that safelist advertising isn’t effective, but it can be if you post consistantly to the same safelists. join 5 – 10 safelists and everyday for a month post the same ad and you will see that you will get some traffic from safelists.

There are many more free ways to promote  your business or website. These are just a few.


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