Category Archives: plugin

WPMU signup security question

The Signup Security Question plugin for WordPress-MU adds a changeable question to the signup form. Site admins can set the question and answer via the admin backend: The question will be added to the signup form:

Sitemeter and pMetrics widgets

pmetrics of performancing just rolled out an iGoogle widget that mimics pMetrics dashboar. This widget essentially displays ALL of your traffic data that is available. At the same time sitemeter announce the release of a new SiteMeter widget, basted on Yahoo widgets, that can be placed on your desktop. Each day it will show you […]

Upgraded to WordPress 2.2.3 in 15 seconds

WordPress 2.2.3 has been released. It is a security and bug-fix release for the 2.2 series so everyone is asked to upgrade. Since I have been using the WordPress Automatic Upgrade plugin upgrades take me no more than 15 seconds. Please rem member that you can use the plugin only if you have not changed […]

AuctionAds revenue sharing widget for WordPress-MU

AuctionAds is a service that let you place ads for eBay products and earn money when a user takes action on a product The AuctionAds revenue sharing widget for WordPress-MU will allow you, the owner of a WPMU site, to share AuctionAds revenue with your users. You can set the percentage of your share (default […]

Add a sliding box on your WordPress blog

This plugin allows you to add a sliding box from the top of your WordPress blog. You can see an example on the developer blog (just click the button on the upper left labeled “Che diavolo?“). The CSS Sliding Box WordPress Plugin has a backend admin panel that let you change different settings like text, […]

FTP Plugin for WP Database Backup Plugin

This is what I was waiting for. An option to send the WordPress database backup file to another server via ftp. The “FTP plugin for WP database backup plugin” is an extension to the “WordPress backup plugin“. With the FTP Plugin for the WP Database Backup Plugin you can perform manual or scheduled database backups […]

YouTube Gallery for your sidebar

Berri’s YouTube Gallery allows you to place a list of your favorite YouTube movies right on your sidebar with many options. Berri YouTube Gallery gives you possibility to show a YouTube video gallery with customized appearance on your sidebar and all you need is to write the video URLs in the widget control panel. There […]

Add a signature to your feeds

RSS Signature is a simple plugin that allows you to add a signature to your rss feeds via WordPress backend.